Chute de cheveux

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Can hair grow back when you have alopecia?

Chute de cheveux 19 mars 2024

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Individuals with alopecia areata may lose and bounce back their hair at least a time or two, either in similar patches as in the past or in various patches. Quite often the hair bounces back. Once in a long while, the balding is super durable. Alopecia areata likewise can influence the fingernails and toenails.

Individuals with alopecia areata may lose and bounce back their hair at least a time or two, either in similar patches as in the past or in various patches. Quite often the hair bounces back. Once in a long while, the balding is super durable. Alopecia areata likewise can influence the fingernails and toenails.

Publié le 19 mars 2024 par Ashfaq Khan


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