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Tuto for Retro Hairstyles (book in French)
lunes, 18 de enero de 2016 | Fanny CeresaTambién te puede interesar
Home Work for French Diploma (book in French)
Compra Inteligente | Libros & Revistas
This book is only available in French language, to read this article, please change the site language from the menu.
The story of a legendary hairdresser : Jacques Dessange (Book in French)
Compra Inteligente | Libros & Revistas
This book is only available in French language, to read this article, please change the site language from the menu.
The Beautiful Book of Hair (book in French)
Compra Inteligente | Libros & Revistas
This book is only available in French language, to read this article, please change the site language from the menu.
The French Balayage, a classic perenially fashionable
Estilos & Inspiraciones | Tendencias
The best in hair salon! It was renamed by varnishing, frosting, sun kiss, sun light, California and many other names ... Still relevant, this great classic is still one of inevitable in salon. The balayage fits into all types of length on natu...
Hair loss, Well understand for a better care
Consejos & trucos | Consejos de Pro
Hairs grow, fall and are constantly renewed. It's called the hair-follicule cycle. This included three phases: growth (anagen), rest (catagen) and fall (telogen phase). The length of the hair cycle is 2 to 4 years for men, 4-6 y...