El pelo largo y longitud media
Tendencias para el pelo largo, el peinado que se adapte a mí, todos los estilos de peinado largo que existen, cómo cuidar de corte de pelo largo
How do you keep long hair in style?
Ashfaq KhanEl pelo largo y longitud media
lunes, 6 de enero de 2025
0 Respuestas
Long hair can be maintained during hotter months by putting it up off of your face and/or shoulders. You can wear a high or low messy or sleek bun, a variety or updos, or even a braided style.
Long hair can be maintained during hotter months by putting it up off of your face and/or shoulders. You can wear a high or low messy or sleek bun, a variety or updos, or even a braided style. https://www.elixir.org.pk
Publicado el lunes, 6 de enero de 2025 de
Ashfaq Khan